About Us

Jumpstart North Philly West™ is an initiative spearheaded by Skylight Homes LLC and modeled from the original Jumpstart Germantown. 

Our Mission: To rejuvenate and revitalize the North Philly West neighborhood of Philadelphia–19121, 19132, and parts of 19140–with high quality, affordable renovations of residential and commercial real estate.

Our Motto: Real estate development done by the community; Ownership is power.

We believe it is possible to “do well by doing good” which encompasses educating and promoting a neighborhood’s current residents, and partnering with like minded developers to rejuvenate neglected communities and support home ownership.

Through mentoring, networking and providing financial resources to fellow developers who share our interest in investing in the future of North Philly West, Jumpstart North Philly West™ seeks to remove blighted and deteriorated properties from residential and commercial neighborhoods and make North Philly West a better place to live, work, and enjoy for current and future residents.

One Goal

Interested applicants must have a commitment to revitalizing North Philly West. The focus of Jumpstart North Philly West™ is not only financial gain for the participant. Jumpstart North Philly West™ is devoted to changing North Philly West for the better and ask that only candidates with a similar mission apply.

Training Program

The Jumpstart North Philly West™ Training Program educates novice developers then connects them with more experienced real estate professionals. After each Training Program, Jumpstart North Philly West™ assigns industry veterans as mentors to guide mentees through their next development project. Mentees learn how to create a financial base for themselves and their families by investing in residential properties while working to remove blight and vacancies from the North Philly West community.

Developer’s Network

The Developers’ Network is about making connections between community developers and building mutually beneficial relationships to “grow the pie.” Real estate development can be a very isolating and frustrating process and developers often fight over the same piece of the “pie.” By sharing resources, such as tenants, contractors, vendors and potential properties, developers focusing on North Philly West can work together to be more productive and profitable, thereby expanding the “pie.”

Loan Program–COMING SOON

The Jumpstart North Philly West™ Loan Program provides financial resources for the acquisition and construction of residential and mixed use properties in North Philly West, loans that often cannot be obtained from financial institutions. The Loan Program is available to both experienced and novice developers but novice developers are encouraged to first participate in the Training Program.